Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Body Found in Weber County Waste Transfer Station:

CSI has nothing on Utah's waste management specialists.

They saw blood, they found body, death considered "suspicious".

That is all.

-(Updated with link!)


Kate Rosenberg said...

Please direct me to the news story!

Kate Rosenberg said...

from KSL article: "Capt. Klint Anderson, Weber County Sheriff's Office: 'They really need to check with the shelters and the religious organizations to find an appropriate shelter so that they are out of the weather and that they are properly taken care of.'"

Dear Capt. Klint Anderson,
Um, not sure if you've tried to find a bed in a homeless shelter lately, but there's no fucking room in the inn! There's REALLY no room if you're a drug user, mentally ill, convicted of certain crimes, have kids, etc. If it were so easy to make sure "they" get themselves out of the cold to be "properly taken care of," do you think that perhaps "they" would have done so? My guess is that this guy didn't have a place to go. What do YOU think, Capt. Klint Anderson?
Love and hugs,